Publications on CULTEX® Technology
- January 26, 2017
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- May 27, 2016
Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2016 May;68(5):255-61
“Challenge for 3D culture technology: Application in carcinogenesis studies with human airway epithelial cells.”
M. Emura, M. Aufderheide - April 7, 2016
IIVS 2016, Bethesda
“Ciliatoxicity in immortalized human primary bronchiolar epithelial cells after repeated air-liquid
interface exposure to e-cigarette vapor and native mainstream smoke of K3R4F cigarettes.”Authors:
M. Aufderheide, S. Scheffler, N. Möhle - November 2, 2015
Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2015 Oct 24. pii: S0940-2993(15)30024-5
“A new computer-controlled air-liquid interface cultivation system for the generation of differentiated cell cultures of the airway epithelium.”
M. Aufderheide, C. Förster, M. Beschay, D. Branscheid, M. Emura - October 5, 2015
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2015, 12(10), 12466-12474
“Cytotoxic Evaluation of e-Liquid Aerosol using Different Lung-Derived Cell Models.”
S. Scheffler, H. Dieken, O. Krischenowski, M. Aufderheide