Exposure Systems
Benefiting from the technological edge
Better is the enemy of good – especially when it comes to extreme precision, meaningful results and the reproducibility of results. That is why we brought the CULTEX® RFS onto the market: the world’s first Radial Flow Solution for cell-based exposure. The likewise patented CULTEX® RFS is a consequential further development and optimization of our technically and functionally outdated CULTEX® linear glass modules. The CULTEX® RFS is defined by the unique radial arrangement of the gas guiding tubes around one sampling point, a new standard for constant, stable and controlled particle flux and deposition in in vitro toxicology at the air liquid interface.
The adapter technology, specially developed for the CULTEX® RFS Radial Flow System, allows the use of 6.5 mm, 12 mm and 24 mm Falcon® or Transwell® inserts. In addition, by means of a special adapter for 35 mm Petri dishes, Ames tests for mutagenicity (modified Ames assays) can be carried out easily, quickly and safely. No other exposure system for in vitro toxicology worldwide offers this versatility and flexibility. The CULTEX® RFS can undertake up to 3 independent exposures simultaneously.