Publications before 2005

  • July 1, 2004

    Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology  2004; 55:451–454

    “A Modified Cultex® System for the Direct Exposure of Bacteria to Inhalable Substances”

    M. Aufderheide, U. Mohr

  • July 1, 2003

    Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 2003; 55:51–57

    “An Improved in-vitro Model for Testing the Pulmonary Toxicity of Complex Mixtures such as Cigarette Smoke”

    M. Aufderheide, J. W. Knebel, D. Ritter

  • June 1, 2003

    Fraunhofer News Report, June 2003

    “In-vitro Tests for Gases and Aerosols – an Alternative Step into the Future”

    M. Aufderheide

  • April 11, 2003

    Toxicology Letters 2003; 140–141:205–211

    “Novel Approaches for Studying Pulmonary Toxicity in vitro”

    M. Aufderheide, J. W. Knebel, D. Ritter

  • January 1, 2003

    Inhalation Toxicology 2003; 15:67–84

    “Exposure of Human Lung Cells to Inhalable Substances: a Novel Test Strategy Involving Clean Air Exposure Periods Using Whole Diluted Cigarette Mainstream Smoke”

    D. Ritter, J. W. Knebel, M. Aufderheide